Triratna International Council
Triratna International Council
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Triratna International Council - Day 6: Internationality (and Visiting the Local Caves!)

Dassini welcomes Amritasiddhi and Nagaketu from India and Dharmashuri from the United States of America, with a focus on the Movement Strand (ie. Buddhist Centres) and working to make sure teaching and practice in our Buddhist community is supported and "joined up" internationally. 

We started the day early with a morning visit and meditation at the very ancient caves of Bhaja, a Buddhist practice space for well over 2,000 years. The shrine room at Bhaja retreat Centre is aligned with the main chaitya in the caves and it was a moving experience to connect with such a deep tradition of Buddhist sangha. 

The panel also discuss Viveka's talk on the Eight Point Mind-Training and the nature of reality, as a basis for addressing the issues of the day.

See all posts from the 2018 International Council

See our Instagram story on our visit to the caves