Day 5 saw us exploring the topic of gender diversity - who walks past our doors and how can we open up our Buddhist Centres to everyone? Dassini from Scotland is joined by Prajnasahaya from Germany and Prajnaketu from England to recap the day for us.
It's worth noting up front that the Indian and Spanish Order members scheduled to appear in this video were unexpectedly unable to take part, so the very small panel isn't itself diverse in terms of inclusion of people of colour. That said, we wanted to go ahead and document something of the day's practice and conversations given the importance of the subject to the International Council's work.
Much of the general discussion of diversity centred around gender identity and how we can bring in a Dharmic perspective to support greater awareness of inclusion. We hear thoughts about the importance of friendship in this, and on the process of change going on in this area within Triratna, just as it is going on in wider society around the world. And Dassini provides a beautiful, jewelled little introduction to the figure of Four-Armed Avalokiteshvara, the Bodhisattva of Compassion; and why contemplating his qualities is relevant when trying to meet the needs of individuals who come to the Dharma in response to their own suffering.