Loving Kindness - Blazing Like The Sun
Loving Kindness - Blazing Like The Sun
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Worldwide Urban Retreat Map takes shape
*update*: some readers have reported a bug in Google/Picasa, so if you're not getting the map below, click here to enjoy the photos in Google+.

With less than three weeks to go until Triratna’s 2013 International Urban Retreat starts, the interactive map of who’s participating around the world is taking shape - the latest additions coming from Beijing, Hong Kong, Barcelona and Portsmouth, NH! You can see it anytime here, and contribute your photo or your sangha’s photo by emailing us at pictures@thebuddhistcentre.com.

The retreat itself starts on November 9th, both online and at many Triratna Buddhist Centres worldwide. We’ll be posting some of the preparatory material on this site soon, so if you haven’t already, check out our introductory page and click + follow above to be kept up-to-date as it approaches.