The latest video blog from Urgyen House is now available.
Dharmacharini Dhammadinna explores Sangharakshita’s long connection with the Bodhisattva Green Tara and his teacher Chattrul Sangye Dorje. With photographs, video and objects from the Urgyen House archives, that take us from Kalimpong, India to Taraloka, Tiratanaloka, London and Adhisthana, UK, we learn of the great significance of Green Tara in Sangharakshita’s life and work.
Urgyen House is a project of the Urgyen Sangharakshita Trust, dedicated to preserving Urgyen Sangharakshita’s legacy.
The final home of Urgyen Sangharakshita is set in the grounds of Adhisthana. Which is now open for visits - please see the visits page for info.
Watch previous video blogs - Including Sangharakshita's connection with Mañjughosha
New Video Blog from Urgyen House: Green Tara