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Being Divine Online: Q & A with Ratnavandana on the Brahma Viharas (The Dharma Toolkit Daily, Episode 20)

Loving Kindness (Metta)
Compassion (Karuna)
Joyful Resonance (Mudita)
Equanimity (Upekkha)

This week on the podcast we're in full-on love mode with our Home Retreat: Being Divine Online

Our guide to the series of meditations in focus - the Brahma Viharas - is Ratnavandana, and in this special episode recorded live online she's in discussion about a practice that has been one of the touchstones of her life. 

The sense of someone choosing to dwell inside a mythic vision of kindness - and the perspective it affords - is strong. From her down-to-earth advice about how to make these meditations a realistic part of your routine, to poetic evocations of them as both friends and teachers, this is an inspiring conversation about an integrated ecosystem of vision and transformation that is within the reach of anyone at anytime.

Join your hosts Kusaladevi and Sadayasihi and walk around a great tree of practice rooted in love and empathy that, even in the face of suffering, can blossom into joy.


Check out our Dharma Toolkit space for details of all we have on offer to help you make it through the weirdness and stay inspired.

Come meditate with us any week day!

Theme music by Ackport! Used with kind permission.


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