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The Arising of the Bodhichitta (IC Dharma 2020)

A series of talks given for the Triratna International Council 2020 Online exploring different aspects of the Bodhicitta Practice.

Talks included:

  1. Entering the Mandala by Lokeshvara 
  2. The Blue Sky Nagapriya
  3. The Refuge by Maitripala 
  4. Bodhichitta + Compassion by Jnanadhara 
  5. The Vow by Parami


  • The Blue Sky as the context for the practice
  • Connection with the Refuge
  • The development of Bodhicitta and Compassion
  • The expression of the Bodhisattva Vow

As well as meeting together and addressing live topics and priorities across Triratna, International Councils are also a context for members to gather and build community. This year's Dharma theme was the arising of the Bodhicitta.

Watch more from the International Council 2020