Triratna Thrive Online: How FutureDharma is responding to the Coronavirus

Triratna Thrive: How FutureDharma is responding to the Coronavirus

FutureDharma exists to enable an abundantly funded, effective and well-resourced Triratna community that can respond to a suffering world and provide a progressive pathway to liberation.

The established purpose of FutureDharma is to seed and support Triratna Sanghas around the world, funding Dharma projects which promote unity, depth and breadth internationally, especially new projects which are bold and innovative. However a new approach is needed for this unprecedented time of rapid change, uncertainty and challenge.

How is FutureDharma responding to the Coronavirus crisis?

Throughout Triratna there needs to be: (i) a strong sense of Triratna as an international community, of unity and commonality, and of being in this together, (ii) help and encouragement for centres and groups to survive and thrive through this period and to sustain and resource their Sanghas through effective online activities, and (iii) encouragement for Sanghas and projects to, where possible, extend their activities and reaching out to new people – offering meditation and the Dharma at this time of stress and distress

The FutureDharma Directors, team and Trustees are very keen for FutureDharma to play a part in meeting these needs and helping Triratna to survive and thrive. Clearly continuing to operate in the same manner as the last 4 year is not an option and after careful consideration the FutureDharma Directors and Trustees concluded that FutureDharma will:

work with existing and new projects partners to respond to the challenges of the coronavirus and capacity-building through offering the skills and experience of the FutureDharma team.

It was also concluded that it is not within FutureDharma’s remit or ability (due to limited funds and likely high demand) to provide emergency funding for Centres facing financial difficulties or crisis (however skills and experience can be shared).

Working with projects partners and capacity building

FutureDharma and the team will:

  • Consult with existing projects, reviewing their circumstances and funding needs regarding the coronavirus; have their funding needs decreased along with their activities or do they need an uplift in funding?
  • Encourage existing projects to adapt and respond to supporting Sanghas, particularly in ways which promote unity, develop online activities and offer the Dharma to new people
  • Seek new project partners which are particularly responding to the corona virus and the new online environment, and which promote unity, effective online activities and outreach
  • Build capacity through helping Centres and projects to fundraise effectively, especially online and through online activities
  • Centres are best placed to fundraise from within their Sanghas to address their financial challenges as they have the contacts and good will. This support will be provided through the provision of fundraising guidance, resources and training (hosted by the Sikkha project). Resources are already being developed and Kusaladevi has been hired on a temporary contract by FutureDharma to help provide this support
  • Continue to assist the Triratna Money Group in providing financial guidance and advice for Centres, eg Danayutta’s cash flow model
  • As appropriate, collaborate with the ECA Development Team, the Sikkha project and others in providing online resources and best practice
  • Launch the Triratna thrive online appeal to make this work possible

FutureDharma Directors and Trustees. May 2020

Directors: Nandavajra, Amalavajra, and Viryanaga

Trustees: Paramabandhu, Subhadramati, Jvalamalini, Satyajyoti, Aryajaya and Dhammarati