Our Future Dharma – helping Triratna to grow and respond to a suffering world.
This year FutureDharma is passing on £142,000 to key Triratna projects and initiatives in the UK, Europe and India, which is a significant step-up in funding for the movement. We are now launching a second funding round which will be even more ambitious with a view to releasing grants for later in 2017 and for 2018.
We would welcome - from Triratna worldwide - expressions of interest and applications for projects that will help Triratna to pass on the Dharma through developing the unity of our community, a depth of practice and wisdom and breadth of reach. Please visit http://www.futuredharma.org/projects to see our current project portfolio.
Expression of interest / pre-proposal
For an expression of interest we are asking for basic information (on one side of A4) detailing:
- Your organisation and key people
- The project / development / initiative you have in mind including (a) what would be new and different, and (b) in what way would it contribute to the unity, depth and breadth of Triratna?
- The funding required. If there are a number of aspects or elements to your project or initiative please give a wish list with the cost of each element
- When would the project / development be initiated and please give a timeline for funding.
The FutureDharma team will then contact you to explore your proposal and to determine whether it can be taken forward to a full application. Please send to grants@futuredharma.org
The closing date for expressions of interest for this funding round is 20th March 2017.
Grant applications
If your proposal is well developed we would welcome a full grant application. An application form can be found with this post or by contacting grants@futuredharma.org
On receipt of an application the FutureDharma team will contact you to discuss your application further and the application process. Please note that applications can only be considered from an organisation or project, preferably with some form of legal structure; applications from individuals cannot be accepted.
If you need further information and guidance please do not hesitate to contact me.
Nandavajra, FutureDharma Fund Director
nandavajra@futuredharma.org or 07583 107258