FutureDharma Fund Gratitude Report 2019/20

FutureDharma Fund Gratitude Report 2019/20

Thanks to the generosity of its supporters, FutureDharma is now the main way Triratna seeds and supports sanghas around the world. This report is about how those gifts helped thousands of people to transform their lives last year.

Of course this year everything changed. Humanity now needs the Three Jewels more than ever. But with all our centres and retreat centres closed or severely restricted there’s a real danger that we barely sustain our own practice and sanghas, let alone share them with others.

To not just survive but thrive in this global crisis, we need to work together as a global community. Online. So FutureDharma and India Dhamma Trust are now focussing our collective efforts on helping Triratna to successfully adapt to this socially-distanced, largely online reality. 

We’ve launching a new £200,000 appeal called Thrive Online: reach out to a world in need. If you’d like to contribute please visit https://futuredharma.org/thrive-online/ www.futuredharma.org/give.

With much metta,

The FutureDharma team and Trustees

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