Centre Fundraising Forum
Centre Fundraising Forum
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Triratna online Fundraising - Resources now live on Sikkha online!

We have now gone live on Sikkha online with our Centre Fundraising Support Resources, including a Triratna Online Fundraising Toolkit, a video from Amalavajra, "What, fundraise now?!" and a document comparing various giving platforms to receive your donations.

Head over to the Sikkha site to find these resources.

+join this page above to see further resources, tips and inspiration. 

I'd love you to share any resources, fundraising stories (success or otherwise!) and tips here on this page. This can also be a space for questions, sharing inspiration or advice.

I am also offering bespoke Zoom meetings to talk you through making an appeal and any specifics around fundraising in your particular situation. There is no charge for these sessions, so please do ask for one if you feel it would be helpful.

Please do feel free to get in touch with me directly about this too [kusaladevi@futuredharma.org], I really do want to help you be the most effective online fundraiser you can be, and I have lots of experience in training fundraisers. 

Good luck with fundraising and do keep in contact on this page!