India - Compassion in Action (One World, One Sangha)

Our Sanghas in India continue to be particularly hard hit by the Covid pandemic, and are now facing a potential third wave.

Our Ordination Teams in India continue to lead their Sangha in providing a coordinated and wholehearted response to the immediate practical needs of the people around them. People who thought they had been forgotten. 

Starting in March 2020, they have provided emergency food and medicines to people regardless of caste or religion. And with their generosity they've made manifest a vision of what a Buddhist response to suffering can look like.

The second COVID wave is really horrible. We have lots of fear. There’s a complete lockdown… hospitals are full, there’s a lack of oxygen, a lack of hospital beds. For the last year I’ve led Coronavirus Relief Team work in India. If people need groceries we provide them, if they’ve lost their work we help them… This is the opportunity to practically implement the principle of compassion. - Amrutasiddhi , Movement Coordinator, India

Because of the generosity of FutureDharma supporters we were able to pay all the support costs for Amrutasiddhi, who is Triratna India’s Movement Coordinator. Making the best possible use of his connections throughout our Sangha in India, Amrutasiddhi continues to play a vital role in coordinating the emergency relief work that is giving hope and saving lives.