Yesterday we featured Kusaladevi's fundraising support work that helped so many of our local Buddhist Centres not only survive the pandemic but thrive. We didn't just want Triratna to survive - we wanted to help it continue to grow and reach out to more people.
The Triratna York Buddhist Group UK reached out to us and asked for help to convert an old empty shop and create York's first Buddhist Centre. As they were planning to do this at a time when our centres were needing to close their doors, we were intrigued.
The York Sangha are an inspiring bunch. The whole sangha worked together - continuing to practice together on Zoom, and meeting in the shop to strip wallpaper and paint walls whenever the lockdown regulations allowed them to.
Together they've created a perfect little Buddhist Centre, complete with a shop, shrine-room, and the all-essential tea area. The centre is on a busy shopping street where new people can discover it, and the sangha welcomes newcomers into the shop for a cup of tea and a chat about their meditation courses.
And being part of this project has been life-changing for some members of the York sangha:
When I came along I was in a pretty messed up, emotional, dark place. My partnership had separated… I had to find myself somewhere to live. But I’ve come through that. Attending the Sangha evenings has helped me think in a better way. - Graham
Some of the projects made possible by FutureDharma supporters are big and ambitious, crossing international borders and time zones. Some, like this one, are local. All of them are precious jewels in our Triratna Sangha.