Keeping our Buddhist Centres Thriving (One World, One Sangha)

Yesterday we featured the work our fabulous Triratna Translations Board are doing to to ensure that everyone can benefit from Dharma talks online. Talking about all the many different languages in which members of our Triratna sangha practice reminded me of the preciousness of our local contexts.

Our International Sangha is of course made up of the net of Triratna's local sanghas. Without these there is no International Sangha. 

As soon as the Covid pandemic took hold FutureDharma committed to helping Triratna get online. Alongside this we were equally committed to helping our local Buddhist centres not only survive, but thrive through the pandemic, so that they could continue to serve their local sanghas. 

We funded Kusaladevi, herself an experienced fundraiser, to work with Triratna Centres directly. Kusaladevi gave fundraising training and support to any Triratna Buddhist Centre that wanted it. In the 6 months she was with us Kusaladevi worked with over 20 centres, helping them raise £150,000. 

In a recent fundraising appeal at London Buddhist Centre a mentoring session with Kusaladevi really helped us so much. - Subhadramati

Many more centres throughout our global sangha have benefitted from her Fundraising Toolkit and training seminars which you can find on the Sikkha Project, another project which is funded entirely by gifts from FutureDharma supporters.