When your local sangha is online (One World, One Sangha)

In yesterday's post we shared Alex's experience of being able to reach out online, along with his sangha in Brazil, and practice with our international Sangha. 

Zoe lives in Singapore, and unlike Alex, doesn't have a local sangha. In fact Zoe is the only practising member of Triratna in Singapore. Her nearest sanghas are in Australia and India! Despite this Zoe is a Mitra and is training for Ordination.  

We all know the importance of having a local sangha where we can study and practice and share our journeys with friends who know us well. How does Zoe do any of this without a local sangha? 

Zoe is part of a weekly Mitra study group which takes place online. Her study group follows the Mitra study course on The Buddhist Centre Online and listens to Bhante’s talks on Free Buddhist Audio.

Online resources have brought the Dharma to my doorstep. I have access to the realness of how Dharma is being practised.  

Thanks to the generosity of FutureDharma supporters, these online resources make it possible for this group of Mitras to come together each week and study together despite living thousands of kilometres apart and in different time zones. They are a kind of online library that the group can use each week, and for Zoe they make Sangha possible.