Yesterday's post shared the incredible Emergency Relief Work our Sangha in India have been doing. The Indian Ordination Teams continue to play a huge role in this, supporting their sanghas to reach out to those in need.
In more usual times the Ordination Teams would fundraise for half of their costs with the other half met by generous donations to India Dhamma Trust. That's not been possible for them to do during the lockdowns of course. We're very happy to say FutureDharma is now working in partnership with India Dhamma Trust and we've committed to funding the Indian Ordination teams outright. They can focus on the incredible work they do to support their sanghas and not worry about finding funding.
Working in partnership with India Dhamma Trust just makes sense to us - we now save on fundraising costs and pass on more of your gifts directly to India.
Our partnership with India Dhamma Trust was the first step in creating a simple joined-up approach that helps you give our Indian Sangha the support they ask for. Early this year, FutureDharma and India Dhamma Trust created A Coordinated Triratna Response - working with - The Abhayaratna Trust and Karuna Trust. By working together we ensure that your gifts are used efficiently and helping as many people in India as possible.
And this Coordinated Response has meant a lot to members of our Indian Sangha. Order members in India have expressed their gratitude and spoken of the reassurance they felt knowing that our Sanghas outside India were giving so generously.
This year it is really terrible … since last month we’ve lost 16 Order members and 40 Mitras. We led an online retreat and every day we had a condolence meeting because every day somebody was dying; somebody very close. It was so difficult… but people were happy we could offer this retreat because in this difficult time they are in touch with the Dharma. I’m so glad and proud that our international sangha is standing behind us giving us support. - Amoghasiddhi