In our FBA Dharmabyte today we are introduced to Kachu Rimpoche by Vajratara one of Sangharakshita’s eight main teachers.
Kachu Rimpoche was a man of great learning, renowned as a deep meditator and visionary, and a gifted sculptor. Rimpoche went out of his way to befriend Sangharakshita. In 1960, on Jampyang Khyentse’s recommendation, Kachu Rimpoche initiated Sangharakshita into the practice of Guru Padmasambhava. At the same time Kachu Rimpoche gave Sangharakshita a new name: Urgyen, the name of Padmasambhava’s mythical homeland.
Excerpted from a talk of the same name given by Vajratara at Sangha Night, Sheffield Buddhist Centre (4th July 2006), as part of a series on the Refuge Tree of the Triratna Buddhist Order.
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