Sangharakshita gives us today's FBA Dharmabyte - an introduction to Jamyang Khyentse Rimpoche, one of the foremost Tibetan Buddhist teachers of his time. Although a Nyingma master, Jamyang Khyentse was a chief exponent of the Rime movement, which brought together the different Tibetan schools to create a more unified tradition. Sangharakshita met him in 1957 and received several initiations from him. Due to Jamyang Khyentse’s spiritual eminence and the significance of these initiations, Sangharakshita regards him as his ‘root guru’.
Excerpted from the talk entitled My Eight Main Teachers in which Sangharakshita describes Triratna’s 'lineage' in a fascinating series of memories and stories. Talk given in the USA, 1990.
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