Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio
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Free Buddhist Audio has always been dedicated to bringing the Dharma to listeners in as many places as possible. We try to go where our listeners are, and that's why we have spaces on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, SoundCloud, here on The Buddhist Centre Online - and now on Tumblr too! Our team continues to work hard to develop a vibrant digital ecosystem around the Free Buddhist Audio service that allows you to find us where you live online.

We'd like to take a moment to highlight a few of these spaces and tell you what you can find there:

fba on tumblr:

Last week Free Buddhist Audio launched a new Tumblr space - another resource for you to find updates and interesting news from Free Buddhist Audio - podcasts, new talks and series, changes to the website, information on volunteering, exciting news and much more. So be sure to follow us on Tumblr for all the latest!

fba on the buddhist centre online:

You can engage with our large community of listeners here at The Buddhist Centre Online, where you can +Follow along to find new audio, and exciting highlights and original content. There are also special interest groups you can join related to FBA, like Lovers of FBA, the New Transcription Project and the Dharma Tape History Detective group.

fba on soundcloud:

FBA has a space on SoundCloud where you'll find some informal Dharma talks that aren't even found on the FBA website yet! Most are short Triratna community audio uploads that aren't quite full Dharma talks - things like fba podcasts, interviews, chanting, live audio from festivals like Buddhafield and more. So, follow our SoundCloud feed or explore our playlists to find something that piques your interest!

We hope you enjoy staying connected with us wherever you are online, and we value your feedback on how we can improve even more!

If you would like to help support our work bringing the Dharma to others, please make a donation today. Thank you!