Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features
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Triratna Writers Convention 2015 - Day 3: In The Listening Chair...

Our morning meditation poem on Thursday was Summer Farm by Norman MacCaig. I'll definitely be buying this volume of Selected Poems. It's wonderful!

In our sessions we've re-instituted 'the listening chair' we used to have for Manjusvara - and I snapped some occupants (interesting body language!) We were exploring themes from Ananda's talk the other night about William Stafford, especially around the relationship with the Muse and receptivity.

There was a spirited discussion about the pros and cons of 'trusting the universe' - how we understand that and whether we do! Varasahaya chaired this very effectively - and I forgot to get her pic! To get a flavour of this matter of one's relationship with the Muse, you could also check out a great short TED talk (c 18 mins) by Elizabeth Gilbert, who wrote 'Eat, Pray, Love'. We've used this sometimes in Wolf At The Door workshops, and I used it in a writing workshop with Mitra convenors, where we felt it offered an interesting perspective a kind of 'supra-personal force'.

And in the evening Abhaya gave a talk on Orpheus (coming soon!).

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