Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features
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Solidarity with India: A Session of Meditation and Puja from the Manchester Buddhist Centre

Ratnasagara, Shakyajata and Mahabodhi with an event to show solidarity with our brothers and sisters in India.

​Give direct within India to Trailokya Buddha Mahasangha Sahayak Gana

Re-watch on YouTube

Twelve members of our Order have died of #COVIDー19 in the past few weeks in India. They are:

Danavajra, ordained 2003, aged 78, from Amaravati
Khemaprabha, ordained 1993, aged 93, from Pune
Amoghabhadra, ordained 1993, aged 51, from Corona relief team
Shilavajra, ordained 2017, from Uttar Pradesh
Jnanaghosh, ordained 2019, aged 38, from Pune
Achalacitta, ordained 2017, aged 49, from Maharashtra
Shakyaditya, ordained 2011, aged 76, from Mumbai
Prasannamitra, ordained 2012, aged 53, from Nagpur
Mahajeta, ordained 2000, aged 74, from Pune
Achalasila, ordained 1993, aged 71, from Pune
Nirmalabodhi, ordained 2014, aged 67, from South Nagpur
Nirajbodhi, ordained 2019, aged 69, from Amaravati

Donate now - and help us work to alleviate terrible suffering and bring hope back to the lives of many Dharma friends.

Learn more about the urgent Covid crisis in India