Is it possible not to be confused about race? Is it possible to respond authentically to the hurt and discomfort of racism?
The construct of race is an integral part of Western society’s DNA and if we are to address the social injustice of racism, we need to have the race conversation. Yet all too often, attempts at such a dialogue are met with silence, denial, anger or hate. Eugene Ellis’ wonderful book actively supports anyone striving to emerge from the tight grip of race discomfort towards a trauma-informed, neurophysiological approach that emphasizes resourcing, body awareness, mindfulness and healing.
Join us for a live conversation (with audience Q & A) between Eugene and Bodhilila, Chair of the West London Buddhist Centre bringing to beautiful life the work of creating life-changing dialogue.
Event time
USA PST 11:00 | Mexico 13:00 | USA EST 14:00 | IE & UK 19.00 | Europe 20:00 CET | India 00:30 | Australia AEDT 06:00 (next day) | New Zealand NZDT 08:00 (next day)