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Prasadachitta - Whirlpools and Clear Water

Prasadachitta's talk is like a beautiful stillness amid the whirl of a full Order Convention. His conversational style gradually brings forth the depth of reflection behind it. And the integrity of his personal practice bubbles easily to the surface when, with humility and good humour, he shares his own experience of working across two very human tendencies that have a bearing on friendship. 

His evocation of the river - now full of whirlpools as it flows through the 'Neurotaloka', now becalmed as eddies meet and resolve themselves - and his inclusion of poems from Kathleen Raine and Naomi Shihab Nye make this a genuinely lyric talk. Like a closely observed discourse on consciousness meeting Walt Whitman's attitude and finding things, in the end, go along just fine...

With an introduction by Danadasa. Con traducción en Español.

Recorded outdoors at Chintamani Retreat Centre, Mexico, as part of the 2015 Triratna Buddhist Order Pan-American Convention.

View all posts from the Pan-American Convention 2015