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The Poetics of Awakening - Dedicated Site for Our New Home Retreat

It's only five days till our new Home Retreat begins! There's still time to join Paramananda and Bodhilila for a week of meditation, poetry and deep engagement with the Dharma life as it manifests day by day. With over 100 bookings already it's sure to be a wonderful community event, offering encouragement and support for your practice from two of Triratna's best-loved meditation teachers.

Visit the dedicated site for 'The Poetics of Awakening'

Awake my dear
Be kind to your sleeping heart
Take it out to the vast fields of light and let it breathe

– Hafiz

Home Retreats are designed with you in mind and can be tailored to your needs.

We provide:

  • Live Home Retreat events daily
  • Specially curated Dharma resources
  • A chance to catch up each day on the event sessions by video if you missed them – so you can do the retreat in your own time
  • Share your own inspiration and reflections on the private retreat Padlet space
  • A chance to connect with the retreat leader to ask questions about your practice

Whether you have the time to engage with a full-on, urban-retreat style week at home – or are super occupied already with kids or work and just want some useful structure to book-end your days with a little calm and inspiration: this is for you.

Book now for 'The Poetics of Awakening'

The dedicated site also includes three brand new talks by Bodhilila, four classic talks by Paramananda, and a reading of ‘Ditty of First Desire’ by Federico García Lorca.

“Paramananda beautifully examines how spiritual practice is both a deeply intimate relationship with oneself, and inextricably connected to the world we live in. He brings far-reaching Buddhist teachings down to earth and encourages us to be curious, as we simply sit with the breathing body, or open to suffering – our own and others’ – in such a way that liberates the heart."

– Vajradevi, meditation teacher and author of uncontrivedmindfulness.net

"Bodhilila has been meditating and practising mindfulness for 27 years. She is a fully accredited Breathworks mindfulness trainer as well as a qualified counsellor, teacher and massage therapist. She worked for many years as a classical musician and more recently as a nursery manager. She is currently Chair of the West London Buddhist Centre, where she has been teaching meditation, mindfulness and Buddhism, as well as helping to run the Centre, since 2012. She regularly leads retreats for the WLBC and at Taraloka women’s retreat centre."