How to live united and care for all life
Led by Shantigarbha, Sanghajata and team
Friday May 31 - Sunday June 2
The theme of the retreat is the Four Samgrahavastus: generosity (dana), affectionate speech, beneficial activity and exemplification.
The Buddha taught the Four Samgrahavastus as means of unification of the Sangha. As Buddhists concerned about the Climate and Ecological Emergencies, how can we make use of these teachings to connect with and care for all life?
This weekend led by Shantigarbha, Sanghajata and an experienced Triratna Earth Sangha team will include meditation, ritual, optional group discussion, workshops and Dharma input. All to help us learn to live united as one community and care better for the earth and for ourselves.
Friday: Introducing the Four Samgrahavastus and Generosity (Dana) (with meditation, Dharma input and discussion)
Saturday: Affectionate Speech and Beneficial Activity (with meditation, a Dharma workshop, discussion and ritual)
Sunday: Exemplification (with meditation, a Dharma workshop, discussion and closing ritual)
About the retreat team
Shantigarbha is a Buddhist activist, mediator, and lover of life. He's author of The Burning House: A Buddhist response to the climate and ecological emergency and I'll Meet You There: a practical guide to empathy, mindfulness and communication from Windhorse Publications. He is a co-founder of the Triratna Earth Sangha. He is also a member of the Triratna Restorative Coordinating Group, a Nonviolent Communication (NVC) trainer and partner to Gesine.
Sanghajata was Ordained in 2015 and lives in Cambridge UK. She teaches meditation at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre and is an active member of the Triratna Cambridge Earth Sangha.
Friday (2 hours): USA PST 11:00 | Mexico 12:00 | USA EST 14:00 | IE & UK 19.00 | Europe 20:00 CET | India 23:30 | Australia AEST 04:00 (next day) | New Zealand NZST 06:00 (next day)
Saturday Session 1 (1 hour): USA PST 00:30 | Mexico 01:30 | USA EST 03:30 | IE & UK 08:30 | Europe 09:30 CET | India 13:00 | Australia AEST 17:30 | New Zealand NZST 19:30
Saturday Session 2 (2 hours): USA PST 03:00 | Mexico 04:00 | USA EST 06:00 | IE & UK 11:00 | Europe 12:00 CET | India 15:30 | Australia AEST 20:00 | New Zealand NZST 22:00
Saturday Session 3 (2 hours): USA PST 07:00 | Mexico 08:00 | USA EST 10:00 | IE & UK 15:00 | Europe 16:00 CET | India 19:30 | Australia AEST 00:00 (next day) | New Zealand NZST 02:00 (next day)
Saturday Session 4 (2 hours): USA PST 11:00 | Mexico 12:00 | USA EST 14:00 | IE & UK 19.00 | Europe 20:00 CET | India 23:30 | Australia AEST 04:00 (next day) | New Zealand NZST 06:00 (next day)
Sunday Session 1 (1 hour): USA PST 00:30 | Mexico 01:30 | USA EST 03:30 | IE & UK 08:30 | Europe 09:30 CET | India 13:00 | Australia AEST 17:30 | New Zealand NZST 19:30
Sunday Session 2 (2 hours): USA PST 03:00 | Mexico 04:00 | USA EST 06:00 | IE & UK 11:00 | Europe 12:00 CET | India 15:30 | Australia AEST 20:00 | New Zealand NZST 22:00
Sunday Session 3 (2 hours): USA PST 06:00 | Mexico 07:00 | USA EST 09:00 | IE & UK 14:00 | Europe 15:00 CET | India 18:30 | Australia AEST 23:00 | New Zealand NZST 01:00 (next day)