Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features
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2016 International Council - Live Coverage!

This week the fourth Triratna International Council take place at Adhisthana. This great biennial gathering is now a central feature of the creative life of our Order and Community, as inspiring Order members gather from every continent to help shape the practice life of our sangha around the world.

As usual, we'll be covering the week's events live from Adhisthana - so you can stay in touch with developments and the work being done to ensure what is now a global spiritual Movement can remain flexible, relevant, and harmonious across cultures, language groups, and the fast-changing challenges of our times.

There's always some rich Dharma to be encountered at this event - tune in on the main International Council space and +follow to get notified whenever new content is available.

We'll be providing daily podcasts (iTunes) (RSS), regular video updates, pictures, interviews, and talks. See you online!

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See coverage from the 2014 International Council