Exeter Triratna Group
Exeter Triratna Group
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Spring Weekend Retreat 'The Mythic Aspect' with Vidyadasi & Satyajit

21 - 23 April 2017 at High Heathercombe 


Another lovely opportunity to practice with other friends from our sangha in this beautiful place on Dartmoor, near Manaton. We'll be looking at how human beings need a mythic aspect in their lives, (different from fantasy) and how we create it. Puja in the forest or on the moor very likely!
£75 / £60 low income 'suggested donation' but contact us if you're desperate to come but broke.

A FREE PLACE to anyone who will take on food shopping and co-ordination of food (menus and shopping list supplied).

Email Vidyadasi to book: jess.vidya@gmail.com