Exeter Triratna Group
Exeter Triratna Group
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Full moon day in May

The full moon day in May is the time the Buddhist world celebrates the Buddha's Enlightenment!

Please join us at Sangha Night this week for meditation and puja to mark this auspicious occasion 2500 years ago. We will have a guided visualization of the Buddha Shakyamuni followed by a puja, which will be led by Prajnananda. 
A 'puja' is a ritual, in which we will be reciting verses - in this case taken from an 8th century text by the Buddhist scholar monk Santideva; we will be bringing the historical Buddha to mind, developing appreciation, gratitude, and well as a wish & commitment to emulate his example.

If you'd like to bring a flower or other offering, you are more than welcome - but most importantly - just bring yourself!