The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times
The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times
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This week’s free eBook and two upcoming books by Anālayo

This week we’re giving away the eBook edition of A Guide to the Bodhisattvas by Vessantara. This book introduces a panoply of archetypal bodhisattvas from the Buddhist tradition and their visualization practices, including Avalokiteśvara, Mañjuśrī, Vajrapāṇi, Green Tārā and White Tārā.

Last week’s free eBook, A Guide to the Buddhas, also by Vessantara, is still free until the 31st of August.

Next month we’ll be releasing two new books by award-winning author Bhikkhu Anālayo: Introducing Mindfulness, which is an accessible beginner’s guide, and Mindfulness in Early Buddhism, which is an invaluable resource for Buddhist scholars, meditation teachers and other experienced practitioners wishing to deepen their practice of mindfulness. Both books are now available to pre-order.

And finally, don’t forget to log into your membership account on our website to get 10% off everything (excluding subscriptions). If you’re not already a member, you can sign up for an account here. It’s completely free.