In 'Sources of Inspiration', Paramananda talks to his guests about what gets their spiritual juices flowing and has helped them stay inspired in their rich, committed Dharma lives. Each week his guests bring something along to share - and a depth conversation begins...
These conversations were aired live and unrehearsed, so who knows what might emerge to delight or surprise us! Tune in and find out some of the things that keep experienced Buddhists going in these difficult times.
Reserve a space for the final two conversations with Bodhilila and Dhammarati
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Listen to the pilot conversation and subscribe to our podcast
Episode 1: Padmamati
In the first episode, Paramananda meets Padmamati, founding member and lead singer of British band The Real Tuesday Weld. Art, culture, Buddhism and other ways of looking at reality.
Episode 2: Dayajoti
In conversation with Dayajoti, who encountered the Dharma through Buddhafield. How an amazing project, rooted in the land, changed our ideas of Dharma life.
Episode 3: Maitridevi
With Maitridevi from Taraloka Retreat Centre in Wales. Exploring the Dharma in nature and an animistic world-view as part of Buddhist practice.
Episode 4: Vaddhaka
A dialogue with Vaddhaka, author of ‘The Buddha On Wall Street’. Politics, capitalism, and their relationship to Buddhism and an ethical life.
Pilot Episode: Atula
A pilot episode recorded for the Buddhist Centre Podcast, with the wonderful Atula - psychosynthesist and good friend to many in the Triratna Buddhist Community. Forty years of friendship around meditation, the Dharma, and a common interest in the workings of the 'psyche' - the human 'soul'.