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Song of the Brahma Viharas - Being Divine Online home retreat

It's always good to finish things with a song - and happily, today, here's one! It's Ratnavandana chanting the Brahma Viharas song that is usually learned on each 'Living in the Mandala' retreat that she leads.

As Ratnavandana kindly sent on some lovely nature photos she has taken, we have made this into a short video which you can enjoy, and hopefully get a feeling for the Brahma Viharas "pervading all quarters".

The text from this song comes from the Subha Sutta (MN 99) - so here it is, in case you'd like to join in:

I will abide pervading one quarter with a mind imbued with loving-kindness,
likewise the second, likewise the third, likewise the fourth,
so above and below, around and everywhere,
and to all as to myself.

I will abide pervading the all-encompassing world
with a mind imbued with loving-kindness,
abundant, exalted, immeasurable, without hostility
and without ill will.

I will abide pervading one quarter with a mind imbued with compassion
likewise the second, likewise the third, likewise the fourth,
so above and below, around and everywhere,
and to all as to myself.

I will abide pervading one quarter with a mind imbued with gladness,
likewise the second, likewise the third, likewise the fourth,
so above and below, around and everywhere,
and to all as to myself.

I will abide pervading one quarter with a mind imbued with equanimity,
likewise the second, likewise the third, likewise the fourth,
so above and below, around and everywhere,
and to all as to myself.

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