The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times
The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times
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Home Retreat from Rivendell Retreat Centre - In the Footsteps of the Buddha: Where the Buddha’s Story Meets Our Own

In the Footsteps of the Buddha: Where the Buddha’s Story Meets Our Own
A Home Retreat from Rivendell Retreat Centre with Mandarava and Nagasiddhi

Seven days of interactive meditation and practice workshops with storytelling 

Friday April 23 – Thursday April 29 2021

First daily session (2 hrs):  IE & UK 09:30 | Europe CET 10:30 | India 14:00 | Australia AEDT 18.30 | New Zealand 20.30

Second daily session (1.5 hrs): USA PST 07:30 | México 09:30 | USA EST 10:30 | IE & UK 15:30 | Europe CET 16:30 | India 20:00 | Australia AEDT 00.30 (next day) | New Zealand 02.30 (next day)

Third daily session (1.5 hrs): USA PST 11:00 | México 13:00 | USA EST 14:00 | IE & UK 19:00 | Europe CET 20:00 | Australia AEDT 04.00 (next day) | New Zealand 06.00 (next day)

Reserve a Space on the Home Retreat

N.B. Your ticket is for any day – come to as many sessions as you like!

On this online retreat, with a sense of imagination, adventure and play, we will be exploring the images, myths and symbols of the Buddha’s journey to Awakening. These mythic images from the Buddha’s own story also touch upon deeper, archetypal currents in our own lives. We will dwell imaginatively together on the major turning points in the life of the Buddha, and reflect on how they resonate with our own experience.

Rather than seeing the Buddha as a distant historical figure, we will explore how his story embodies the very real journey we all need to embark upon to live a fully human life. Join us for a week-long Home Retreat, with talks, storytelling, meditation, ritual, community, and discussion!

Mandarava was ordained in 1997 and is a storyteller and puppet maker known for inspiring creativity in others and creating an atmosphere of magical depth. She is currently nearing the completion of her training in Somatic Experiencing.

Nagasiddhi regularly leads and supports retreats at Rivendell Retreat Centre and is also an artist and puppet maker. He is known for the sense of humour and creativity he brings to his Dharma teaching. In particular, he helps others make connections between the Dharma and their own lives by using stories and images from the ‘western’ tradition. His own artwork can be viewed at

Listen to ‘Into the Dark Wood’: a podcast about art and making during pandemic, with Nagasiddhi.

This event is offered by donation. If you can, please donate today and support others to attend who cannot afford to pay. Thank you!

Suggested donation for the whole retreat: $125 £125 €125

Donate and Support here

Reserve a Space on the Home Retreat

Listen to Nagasiddhi's podcast: Into the Dark Wood

Donate to support this and future Home Retreats
