The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times
The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times
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Day 4 - Alive! Aware! Awake! Home retreat

It’s day 4 of the Alive! Aware! Awake home retreat and we hope you've been enjoying the journey so far.

Don’t forget to join Maitridevi live today as she brings us through an exploration of the third foundation of mindfulness: chitta (thoughts and emotions). 

USA 11.30am PST | México 1.30pm | USA 2.30pm EST | UK & IE 7.30pm | Europe 8.30pm CET |  India 12am (following day) | Sydney 4.30am | Auckland 6.30am

The link to connect to Zoom will be available on the home retreat space before the event

We look forward to seeing you there!

As always, if you are not able to attend these live sessions for whatever reason - don’t worry: we will be recording the sessions and will make them available afterwards on the home retreat space. We’ve also included some resources - short introductions and led meditation - for each day on the home retreat space for you to use at your own leisure, either as a basis for your own home retreat or as further resources.


Find all the retreat materials here including a practice diary and daily practice suggestions

Watch Maitridevi talking about chitta

Download a copy of Living with Awareness: A Guide to the Satipatthana Sutta by Sangharakshita (ebook) courtesy of Windhorse Publications

+Follow the Community Toolkit to stay connected throughout the week
