College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors
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Ordinations at Tiratanaloka
Welcoming Eight New Dharmacharis

Dear Friends,

The following public ordinations which took place at Tiratanaloka on Tuesday 1st October:

Public Preceptor: Sucimani 

Liz Kiff becomes Viryadaya (long first “i” and last “a")
Registered spelling: Viryadaya
Meaning: She who has energy and kindness
Private Preceptor: Saddhanandi

Claire Easingwood becomes Hrdayadhi (dot under the “r”, long “i")
Registered spelling: Hridayadhi
Meaning: She whose wisdom comes from the heart
Private Preceptor: Sridakini

Sheila Puri becomes Padmaprajna (tilda over the “n”, long last “a")
Registered spelling: Padmaprajna
Meaning: She whose wisdom is of the lotus
Private Preceptor: Viryadevi

Public Preceptor: Santavajri

Julie Bailey becomes Tarajaya (long first, second and last “a")
Registered spelling: Tarajaya
Meaning: She who has the victory of Tara
Private Preceptor: Satyajyoti

Carolyn Lee becomes Padmasiri (long last “i”)
Registered spelling: Padmasiri
Meaning: She who has the radiance of the lotus
Private Preceptor: Suchitta

Rachel Floater becomes Abhayasakhi (long last “i”)
Registered spelling: Abhayasakhi
Meaning: She who is a fearless friend
Private Preceptor: Vanaraji

Tina Belton becomes Manjusuri (tilda over the “n”, accent on the “s”, long second “u” and long “i")
Registered spelling: Manjushuri
Meaning: Gentle heroine
Private Preceptor: Suryamati

Annie Gogarty becomes Moksayogini (dot under the “s”, long last “i")
Registered spelling: Mokshayogini
Meaning: She who practises for liberation
Private Preceptor: Sugati


Sucimani and Santavajri