College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors
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Ordinations at Guhyaloka
Mahamati Welcome Ten New Dharmacharis

Dear Friends,

I am delighted to announce the ordinations of the following ten men at Guhyaloka on Thursday 26th September 2024.

With metta,

(Public preceptor for all ten men)

Ron Chartier becomes Buddhagosha
'He who has the voice of the Buddha'
Private preceptor Shantinayaka

Hans Wijtman becomes Jayabandhu 
'He who is a friend of victory'
Private preceptor Arthamitra

Shaun Moran becomes Kusaladhi 
'He who has a wisdom which is skilled and wholesome' 
Private preceptor Khemaka

Stuart Lloyd becomes Chandrapriya
'He who loves the moon of wisdom'
Private preceptor Padmasimha

David Rey becomes Viryanatha
'He whose protector is energy'
Private preceptor Kshantivajra

Andy Madel becomes Bodhisetu
'He who is a bridge to awakening'
Private preceptor Dayasara

Otti Nuhaan becomes Priyabandhu
'He who is a beloved friend'
Private preceptor Arthamitra

Todd Johnson becomes Suryapala
'Guardian of the Buddha sun'
Private preceptor Ananta

Marc Buehner becomes Jnanadasa
'He who is a servant of knowledge'
Private preceptor Padmasimha

Matty Evans becomes Adityadasa
'He who serves the sun-like radiance of the Buddha'
Private preceptor Dharmashalin

Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!