Buddhist Action
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Rewilding the Mind

Rewild the Caledonian rainforest as part of BAM-inspired tree planting and meditation week in the Scottish Highlands. 27th May - 3rd June 


A chance to connect inner and outer nature, meditating in beautiful surroundings and contributing to a forest re-wilding project run by Trees for Life. Morning and evenings will include meditation and Dharma reflections. On five days we will be out in the spectacular Glen Moriston - home to wild boar and pine marten - planting trees, clearing non-native species or tending seedlings in the nursery. Participants will be living communally and ideally be familiar with meditation pratice. If you have any questions please email olifitz@lbc.org.uk. 95% of price goes direct to Trees for Life to cover event cost. Places limited. Co-led by Satyadasa from the London Buddhist Centre and Trees for Life. 

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