And here is another share on the topic of veganism, in case you missed it on 'Community Highlights'-
Vegan Fashion Venture recently interviewed Ratnaprabha (West London Buddhist Centre) about the relationship between Buddhism, meditation and veganism.
See the full post and media at
Here is a little extract:
“When I think about Buddhism and veganism, it makes me think first of all about just how crucial from a Buddhist point of view it is to practise non-harming of living beings. It is something that the Buddha said right from the beginning, we must practise non-harming of living beings and we must behave from kindness as if all beings are our friends. This is why I became a vegetarian, and then I became a vegan. But I think it’s important not to be too narrow about it, and sometimes I’ve met vegans who are very obsessed with their diet, while there may be other ways in which they are not so kind and friendly towards other living beings...