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BAM 2018: transforming self, transforming world

Here is a short video from Christine Thuring to inspire us to commit to some life- and world changing actions this June. Buddhist Action Month is an opportunity to reflect on our values, and to take the time to think about and adjust a habit that we know has an adverse affect on ourselves and on the planet. Typical BAM activities over the last few years have included litter picks, beach cleans, a month of going vegan, or mindful time spent in nature - there are more ideas in the BAM Handbook. 

This year we have an invitation to explore two particular angles of 'transforming self, transforming world':

transforming self: looking at the effect of digital technology on the well-being of us as individuals and on society

The invitation is to become more conscious of the unhealthy cravings related to the use of technology. Is the way we use it conducive to our awareness and awakening or does being absorbed by a screen eclipse our awareness of others, of the moment, of our surroundings and obscure our clarity of mind? Do we fall into the trap of believing television's message that life is somewhere other than where we are now and how do we work with social media’s double edge which both creates connections and breaks them? 

transforming world: exploring our society's need for a positive collective narrative for the future

This part of the theme invites us to engage with the bigger picture  - to imagine what kind of a world we wish to inhabit. It seems that the 21st century urgently needs a new myth. But after several decades under neoliberalism how can we move towards a less destructive and more inclusive future when we don’t know what that might look like? What kind of future we want?  A clear and simple narrative describing what we want is essential if we wish to change the inadequate story that continues to govern politics and society.  

In the little video Christine notes that in his latest book, ‘Out of the Wreckage’ – George Monbiot notes that religions are well-placed to create a kinder world because of the intrinsic values they promote - which in his words include empathy, understanding, connectedness with other people, self-acceptance , independent thought and action.

If you think that Buddhism has something to offer the world and the future, then let’s get involved with this! Buddhism surely has a treasure trove of myths and stories that depict cause and effect of greed hated and delusion, as well as teaching includes countless practices and pointers how to live a more peaceful, contented and simple life.