Aryaloka Computer Education India
Aryaloka Computer Education India
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Aryaloka Coronavirus Recovery Appeal

Phase 2

Aryaloka Coronavirus Recovery Appeal

Thank you for your support of the Aryaloka Coronavirus Relief Emergency Appeal.  Your generosity has enabled us to provide thousands of food parcels and basic hygiene necessities for the poorest and most disadvantaged people in our community.  Throughout this crisis we have been reminded that the refrain “We are all in this together” disguises its inequitable impacts; the misery and suffering borne by the most vulnerable in society.  This crisis has had devastating impacts on day labourers including migrant labourers who, overnight as a result of the lock-down, found themselves without work and therefore money to feed their families.  Crowded living conditions and lack of adequate water and sanitation facilities in slum communities has also put them at increased risk of infection.  

While the lock-down is slowly being lifted, the crisis is far from over.  In Nagpur alone around 70-80 new cases of coronavirus are reported every day and actual cases are likely to be much higher.  Economic activity has declined dramatically, again impacting most severely on unskilled workers. 

Aryaloka’s mission has always been to train young men and women from the most disadvantaged communities in the hope that new skills in computing and accounting will enable them to find work in the modern sector, thereby breaking inter-generational (often caste-based) poverty resulting from unjust and exploitative manual labour.  We have had significant success in this.  The current crisis puts educational progress for vulnerable communities at risk.  Families are struggling to survive and have no discretionary money for the educational supplies needed for children to attend school.  As a result, it is likely that many children will drop out of school, causing irreversible set-backs for a generation of disadvantaged communities – communities which are not only bearing the brunt of loss of work and income but are also facing an increase in religious and caste-based discrimination and injustice.

Aryaloka is currently carrying out a survey of the slum communities in which it has worked as a trusted partner over many years.   The survey will document the experiences of the poorest communities during the lock-down and will identify priority needs.  We expect education and work to be foremost among these needs.  Along with continued food relief, we plan to distribute educational supplies and to support families to keep their children in school.  We will also use our connections and networks, developed over many years of working in the education and employment sector, to assist people back into work.

Please support us in this next phase of our coronavirus response work are as follows..

1. Providing educational materials to needy students from 1st standard to 12th standard (Marathi and English medium). Books (if needed Govt. provide books to students 1st standard to 8th standard but for students those are studying in English medium need to buy new books. Notebooks, stationary, drawing book, Pen, pencil, rubber etc. We will spend on one students 10 GBP to 30 GBP.

2. Continually providing ration kits to only needy families including Rice, Wheat flour, Dal, Edible oil, Soap, Sanitary pad, soyabean wadi, Mirchi powder, turmeric powder. Total cost goes to 10 GBP for one family. 

3. Aryaloka Employment initiative : We are working with BAGAP (Babasaheb Ambedkar Global Association of Professionals) team exploring Job Portal to scrutinize for HR process for skilled and unskilled manpower those lost their jobs in lockdown.

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Aryaloka Corona Relief Emergency Appeal

Aryaloka Corona Relief Emergency Appeal

The Covid19 pandemic affects all of us and highlights our global interconnectedness.  We are all suffering but those suffering most are those with the fewest resources – the poorest and most vulnerable in our societies. Nowhere more so than in India where the rapid nation-wide lockdown on 22 March has resulted in untold misery and hardship for many millions of daily labourers unable now to leave their homes to work and feed their families.  Even worse hit are the many migrant labourers who have travelled long distances to different states to find work.  They are stuck in cities across India – far from home with no work, no income, little if any food or shelter and no transport home.  Their situation is dire– even without the additional threat of contracting the coronavirus.

There are now reports that the Indian Government lockdown initially expected to end on 17th May-2020 be extended up until June. This will result in enormous hardship for many.  Meagre government assistance is failing to reach those most in need.  Families with no income are being asked to pay for free government rations and are regularly cheated over the quantities of basic foodstuffs they are entitled to.     

In Nagpur, in central India, a Buddhist NGO, Aryaloka, which normally provides training in computer skills for students from the slum populations, has launched an emergency appeal to provide basic food and other necessities (such as rice, flour, dhal and soap) for 1000 most affected families in the slums of Nagpur.  Aryaloka is well placed to
provide this help.  They have worked in these slums for many years and know the families and communities most in need.  They have volunteers able and willing to help.  As in all their work, Aryaloka is motivated by the Buddhist ideals of compassion and a desire to relieve suffering.  If you can help Aryaloka at this time of desperate need please go to to donate. 

Thank you for your help.                  


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At Aryaloka Computer Education, Raipur, Chhattisgarh branch summer computer classes are going on. Raipur is the capital of Chhattisgarh state. We have opened up this branch 4 and half years ago. It's going well. The centre coordinatior Dhammachari Akshayavajra along with two more teachers (Rajesh Rajpal and receptionist Mamata Maurya) are doing good work. They all are enjoying running this centre as right livelihood project. They are also getting enough time to spread Buddhism in Chhattisgarh, attending retreats, practising Dhamma. In Indian situation if we work in corporate sector or government sector it's hard to get time and holidays for Dhamma retreats and spreading Dhamma. 

By seeing their success other potential leaders are coming forward to open up such projects in their states as right livelihood project and want to work for the Dhamma as well. This is the way forward to spread the branches in other states of India and help young committed Buddhists and develops Triratna centres in India with the help of these young committed Buddhists. Cooperatives, Community and Centre, 3C are the vision and the gift of Urgen Sangharakshita. I feel glad that we are serving the vision of our teacher Urgen Sangharakshita. 

Without funds we cannot move further so please donate :

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Inauguration of 5th branch of Aryaloka Computer Education at Kachahari chouk, Kaira road, Janjgir Champa, Chhattisgarh.

It is 170 km from Raipur. The trustees of Aryaloka (Dh. Aryaketu, Dh. Karunasen, Dh. Aryakirti) visited as main guests and Dh. Akshayavajra and Dhammamitra Phoolmani presided over the ceremony.
            Its very nice and good looking building on road side and have lot of space in front of Aryaloka Computer centre.
            Miss Phoolmani working as a centre coordinator and Jyotisagar working as a main teacher. Recently Jyoti completed her IT education from Aryaloka Nagpur centre. There are some good photos…..

           Through this project we are trying to reach the most needy communities (Satnami and Suryawanshi), people of Chhattisgarh. Firstly we are delivering basic IT skills (MS office, Internet) with English and Hindi typing skills. Later on we will increase the level of students by introducing Tally accounting, Graphic design and Master in excel as per students capacity and choice. English speaking course and life coaching skills are additional training provided to students to increase their confidence so that they can create their place in IT sector and earn their livelihood. That will help them and their families to live descent life with dignity. Hopefully they will contribute to their communities by sharing skills and extending the hands of friendship.

If you want to support the most needy students from Chhattisgarh state in India please donate -

web site :

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Personal Safety Education Training
Centre coordinators from Aryaloka Computer Education, participate in Personal Safety Education training lead by Arpan organisation at BH girls hostel, Nagpur. The purpose of training to help children to make them safe wherever they are and help the children those are living in unsafe. It's a awareness programme for staff those are involve in social projects.
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Aryaloka Computer Education India

Case Story of Aryaloka Computer Education, Nagpur, India

Name – Priyal Kishor Ukey

Address- Maya Nagar, Line no 1, Near Durga Mata Mandir, Indora, Nagpur-440014

Age- 26 years

Qualification – 10th Pass and Poly incomplete

Her Income was – 0 Rs. Separated from husband and living with her parent with one baby.

Now earning 4000/- Rs and teaching computer Courses at Computer Institute.

Batch - 2016-17 branch – Indora

My name is Priyal Kishor Ukey and currently I am studying computer course in Aryaloka Computer Education at Indora branch and passed MSCIT exam with 94.6%. Next course I am doing hardware and networking and English speaking.  During the training I have got offer to work at Bahujan Hitay Girl’s hostel as a computer teacher to teach MS-office to girls of hostel and earning 3000 Rs. per month. This is part time job and I need to teach girls for 4 hrs only so I can look after my daughter very well she is 2 yrs old. This part time job is so important for me and for my baby as well. Because right now I am leaving with my parent and they are from very poor background my father working as a labour earning very small amount of money and now I came to live with them with my baby. So it’s very hard to survive without any income with my baby. I passed only 10th standard and didn’t complete Poly because I got married in very young age. I gone through very difficult marriage for 5 years and face torched from my husband. My husband also hates my daughter because he expected son. The torcher was unbearable so in the end I have realized that I can’t stay with or live my life with this man so separated from him and started living with my parent. Now in future I would like to live for my daughter only. I wanted to give her a better education so that she will not face the problems like me.

I am very much thankful to Aryaloka Computer Education from my bottom of heart that they have given me opportunity to study various computer skills, English speaking at the same time I got valuable guidance from teachers and through personality development class. And also offered part time teaching  job. It has developed my confidence and will power that I can live my life independently. If I didn’t get this opportunity my life would have been ended up with working in other houses washing up pots and cleaning clothes with heavy work in less income. Now having computer skills make my life much competent with dignity. And I can make further progress in my life as well.

Please donate to make difference in the lives of such kind of beneficiaries.....

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Case story of Aryaloka Computer Education

Case story  of Aryaloka Computer Education, Nagpur

Name- Swati Shamrao Kawle

Address- New Indora, Republican Nagar, Jaripatka road, Nagpur 440014.

Age- 23 years

Eduation-12th standard pass

Family members – Orphan

After the completion of course she has started earning 4500/- Rs per month from O Rs income. Story written by herself in hindi and translate it into English as follows………….. …….

I came to know about Aryaloka Computer Education by my friend Nikita who learned from here. I visited ACE with my friend at ACE Indora branch and immediately Sir registered my name for the six months course. And I started learning first course MSCIT (Maharashtra State certificate course in Information Technology) from 16/01/2017 later on I done all the courses i.e. Tally accounting, Hardware networking and English speaking class. After the completion of course I got job in IT field and earning 4500/- Rs per month which is enough for me to survive in Nagpur. But the knowledge and skills I have received at ACE I know that it will be helpful for my better n better future career. 

I am an orphan girl. I used to stay in orphan hostel and gone through very difficult period in my childhood. In difficult circumstances I have passed 12th standard and shifted to other hostel which is for adults. At that time I started my first job as a sales girl. This job was so hectic, and I got sick and looked very ill and pale. I was so frustrated, upset and again health becomes more and more serious. So I have been to one of my relative in small village for treatment and rest. After the treatment again I came back to Nagpur and I used to stay with my friend Nikita, who also used to come to Aryaloka for IT course. She also insisted me to join course at ACE. In this way I joined courses and I must say that the teachers and staff are so friendly at ACE it has changed my life. The courses at Aryaloka have given me new hopes and new direction to my life. All the staffs and teachers are friendly and at the same time stick and guide/advice students time to time to get focus in learning courses. Without guidance I think it’s hard to grow and make progress.

I learned so many good things from Aryaloka. I always praised the name of Aryaloka to my friends, colleagues. Aryaloka is also feels proud to see that one orphan girl learn various IT courses and now earning money for herself. Look forward to make my life much better and comfortable for myself and others.              

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Aryaloka Education

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Anomshur is taking workshop at Aryaloka Computer Education at Raipur, Chattisgarh

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Aryaloka Education

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Aryaloka Education

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Communication exercise given to the students of Aryaloka Computer Education, Raipur CS.

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Aryaloka Education

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Communication skills are very helpful to enhance students lives.

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Aryaloka Education

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Enjoying workshop at Aryaloka Computer Education Raipur, Chattisgarh.

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Aryaloka Education

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Aryaloka Computer Education new building ground floor at 45 Sadhu Mohalla, Near 10 no Puliya, behind Nagsen school Indora Nagpur is totally ready to function.

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Aryaloka Education

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Visiting Aryaloka Computer Education Raipur, Chattisgarh branch.

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Aryaloka Education

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ACE Raipur branch enrolled 70 students for various IT courses.

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Aryaloka Education

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ACE Raipur branch is small but effective centre. THANKS to Satish sir Sanjaya mam.

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Aryaloka Education

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Sanjaya mam is a very good teacher and giving personal attention to every student. Amazing hard to find such a friendly n kind teacher.

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Aryaloka Computer Education successes

Ground floor is ready now to move existing main branch of Aryaloka Computer Education from 136, Laghuwetan Colony, NGP to Indora, nr Shahid Smarak, Kamathi road Nagpur which is just 1 km away. It's a very sad to leave behind all the sweet and bitter 14 yrs memories of ups and down, successes and failure, sometime boring, sometime exciting and sometime deeply frustrating and most of the time "waiting to see what next comes up" . Look forward to upload more photos in near future with full of activities running in new building......Please send us metta and best wishes for our further journey of Aryaloka Computer Education. Aryaketu

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The next phase of Aryaloka Computer Education to expand the branches in other states of India. First branch we have opened up in the month of Jan-15 at Raipur, capital of Chattisgarh state. Mr Satish who is ex-Nagaloka student, completed his further Computer basic to advance courses at ACE Nagpur branch. He also trained under experience staff of Aryaloka and learned the skills how to run Computer training centre. Now he is a centre coordinator of ACE Raipur. He and his team slowly getting success to attract local students. Now for summer batch they got 50 admissions. I am going to visit them in June and will upload more photos of beneficiaries.

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Aryaloka photos

Visiting schools, distributing brouchers and promoting Aryaloka Computer Education for attracting as many as students for summer batch....So far we got 125 students for summer batch but still need another 30 to reach the target.

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