Entering the Mandala - Sub 25 Retreat at Adhisthana

This retreat is the first of it's kind and an exciting opportunity for those 25 and under to come together; to build friendships and explore what Buddhism has to say about life's big questions and how to live a meaningful life.

We will be looking at Sangharakshita's teachings on the Greater Mandala of Aesthetic Appreciation; exploring beauty in the spiritual life and how we can live aligned with our deepest values.

The retreat will be led by Order Members and Mitras who are under 25, with the support of Singhamati (Triratna's Young Buddhists Coordinator). It is open to both those who are new to meditation and Buddhism and those that have been practising for years.

The cost of the retreat is £70 if you are working and £50 if you are not working. However if you can't afford that much then please don't let money stop you coming, just ask for a bursary place when you book for a reduced rate.

This retreat is suitable for people with and without any meditation experience

Start Date: 31st Jul 2015
End Date: 2nd Aug 2015
Price: £70 (Waged/Supported (including deposit)) / £50 (Unwaged/Unsupported (including deposit))

Bursary Fund - If you can’t afford to come on retreat you might be interested in applying for our Bursary Fund.