A Cloud of Worship: the Manjughosa Stuti Sadhana retreat at Adhisthana

About 60 Order Members gathered at Adhisthana last week for a retreat on the Manjughosa Stuti Sadhana, spending each day moving through the system of practice and building up the Sadhana. Each afternoon in the Sangharakshita Library, before the image of Manjughosa that presides there, Subhuti gave a talk articulating six different aspects of the unfolding drama of the Sadhana, which correspond to the stages of the system of practice - Reverence, Solidarity, Wise Attention, The Illumined Image, Dwelling in Reality + Dedication.

It was an outstanding series of talks, over the course of which we traverse the stages of the practice, and Subhuti draws out their significance for the practice of sadhana more generally, and indeed for our whole Dharma life.

The full playlist of video recordings is here.

And you can find the audio recordings of the talks on Free Buddhist Audio here.