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The Burning House: A Buddhist response to the climate and ecological emergency

The Burning House: A Buddhist response to the climate and ecological emergency with Shantigarbha
Sunday July 26

West Coast USA 08.00 | Mexico 10.00 | East Coast USA 11.00 | UK & IE 16.00 | Europe 17.00 CET | India 20.30 | Australia EST 01.00 (Monday 27) | New Zealand 03.00

Since Shantigarbha heard Greta Thunberg tell the European Parliament to act as if our house is on fire, he’s been fascinated by the connection between our current climate and ecological emergency and the parable of the Burning House from the White Lotus Sutra. What can the parable tell us about how to deal with our current predicament? In what sense is our current predicament a crisis of empathy?

Join us for a 2 hour workshop with input from the White Lotus Sutra and other texts, guided reflections and a space for mourning.


Reserve a space here on our new space for live events and keep an eye on the space for more exciting upcoming live events.