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Buddhist Action Month 2020 is coming!

Kaspalita Thompson from the Network of Buddhist Organisations UK writes:

BAM! 2020

Hi everyone - we are heading towards June, Buddhist Action Month!

The theme for 2020 is ... For The Earth. The invitation is to put your group name, event name or own personal theme before the phrase 'For The Earth'. In this way we have both a unifying element, and a way of reflecting our diversity as Buddhists and activists. Some examples:

Tidying our park for the Earth
Bodhisattva practice for the Earth
Going vegan for the Earth
Spiritual Revolution for the Earth
Transforming Self for the Earth

This year's theme recognises the suffering of all living beings and of the planet. It is a response to both the ecological and climate emergencies.

I'm working on an updated handbook for 2020 at the moment, and I'll let you know as soon as it's ready.  In the meantime you can begin talking to your groups and centres.

This year I'm going to be listing some resources  (talks, suggested reading etc.) on the website. If you have any suggestions of books or links to talks on Buddhist engagement or the theme, or where the two meet do let me know.

The BAM website is here where you can download the logo and other resources as they are released.

Best Wishes

Kaspalita Thompson

BAM coordinator and membership secretary, Network of Buddhist Organisations

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