NNBY Youth Conventions (Regional Gatherings) are opportunities for people in the region to get together, to learn, to work in teams, to mobilize resources locally. Regional group of leaders who are responsible to organize regional gatherings in their areas keep connected with group of leaders in another areas, learn and keep sharing their experiences with each other. Trainers from different regions participate in regional gatherings. This gives us an opportunity of an effective networking and coordination. This is one way of creating learning opportunities for our members. Through regional gatherings we also can focus our attention to address local issues and create suitable training modules.
Our Upcoming Youth Convention is at Gondia district in Maharashtra - India scheduled from 21-24 June 2018
Lead By : Dh Amrutsiddhi
Topic: Youth Freedom …Towards Excellence
Guest lecturer: Chetan Meshram, Sanjeev Lokhande, Anoopkumar
Age Limit: 18 to 35 years of age
Fees: Rs. 400/- per participants for covering food charges only.
Contact for more details: 9881344293 , 9673144067 , 7083290697 , 8999269345
For registration or more info visit: http://www.nnby.org/event/youth-convention-2018-gondia/
NNBY Youth Convention 2018- Gondia (MH-India)