National Network Of Buddhist Youth - India
National Network Of Buddhist Youth - India
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NNBY Youth Convention 2018- Bandhara (MH-India)

NNBY Youth Conventions (Regional Gatherings) are opportunities for people in the region to get together, to learn, to work in teams, to mobilize resources locally. Regional group of leaders who are responsible to organize regional gatherings in their areas keep connected with group of leaders in another areas, learn and keep sharing their experiences with each other. Trainers from different regions participate in regional gatherings. This gives us an opportunity of an effective networking and coordination. This is one way of creating learning opportunities for our members. Through regional gatherings we also can focus our attention to address local issues and create suitable training modules.
Our Upcoming Youth Convention is at Bhandara district in Maharashtra - India:
Lead By: Dhammachari Kumarjeev
IDEAL SOCIETY as proposed by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
Other guest leaders & their topics:
15th June- Politics in Education : Sayuri (JNU Student)
16th June- Social Revolution: Sameer Meshram (B Pharma)
17th June- Unity in Diversity: Prof Ajay Choudhari

Fees: Rs. 400/- Self contribution.
Date: 14th to 18th June 2018
Age Limit: 18 to 35 years of age

For registration call now at – 8408920323 or  7757085726
For more info visit: