6pm Friday 26 June - 3pm Tuesday 30 June 2015 at Adhisthana
The Buddha said the world was “on fire” – burning with greed, hatred, and delusion. What have today’s Buddhists got to say about the state of the modern world, or about the contribution Buddhism can make to improving it? Vaddhaka (whose book on Buddhism and Capitalism - The Buddha On Wall Street - has just been published) will present and compare the ideas of some contemporary Buddhist thinkers, such as Sangharakshita, David Loy, and Bhikkhu Bodhi. Vajratara will explore the life and work of Dr Ambedkar and show how important and relevant his ideas are, not just in their Indian context, but to Buddhists everywhere. Together we will examine how we might put the ideas of these Buddhist thinkers into action and make Buddhism of deeper relevence to society.
Vaddhaka and Vajratara will be running this retreat as part of Buddhist Action Month at Adhisthana.
Please also see details of the retreat at: