Buddhist Action Month 2016
Buddhist Action Month 2016
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Warming up for BAM: marking Triratna's 50th anniversary

Dear friends,

In just over 2 months our Triratna Buddhist Community will mark the 50th anniversary of its founding on April 6th, 1967.  I hope many of you will be able to join in with your Sangha at your nearest larger Centre for the day for the celebrations.  ​
All over the world Triratna Centres and Groups will gather to celebrate and many will already have developed plans for the day. 
However, in addition to meeting and practising with friends in our Sangha on the day itself, we want to create an online presence of this event, so that we are all aware of each other, we have a sense of our world-wide Triratna Sangha, and also to have a record of who we are and what we are doing at this time. 
The invitation is for every Triratna Buddhist Centre, Group or Project to share images or videos of your Sangha: we’d like every Buddhist Centre, Project and Group to be represented!

Perhaps you, and/or your engaged dharma group, want to create one or more short video clips to mark the occasion - perhaps noting what we have to offer the world, and how we can reach out as a hand of Avalokiteshvara .... 

Please see the detailed instructions for what’s wanted, how to do it, and where to upload it. You can start uploading and sharing straight away so we can have a build up towards the event. The sooner we upload images/clips into our social media spaces, the more the buddhistcentre online and clearvision have a chance to locate your clip and use it. 

It would be great if we could all participate and build up a picture of all of us in Triratna world wide for this event! Any questions, contact one of us on the form attached.