I thought that you would like an update on some of the things that we have been doing as part of Buddhist Action Month.
Each week we have picked a charity receive the contents of our Dana bowl which has been receiving Sangha members' loose change as well as regular attendance monies. So far we have donated £41 to the Green Tara Trust that provides pre and post natal maternity care in Nepal where the effects of the earthquake are still being felt http://www.greentaratrust.com/ . We have also donated £60 to Wateraid https://www.wateraid.org/uk/ that works to provide clean drinking water to some of the world's most disadvantaged communities.
Each of the Sangha members has a Pledge sheet where they have made pledges to do something to make the world a better place ranging from contributing to the Food Bank, going vegan/vegetarian, promoting and attending socially active events, getting the bike out, planting for wildlife and growing food, metta meditations, becoming organ donors, recycling more and talking excess 'stuff' to a charity shop, practicing non-violent communication, volunteering and much more.
Ask yourself - what difference can I make today?
Thames Valley Triratna in Reading