Buddhist Action Month 2015
Buddhist Action Month 2015
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Glasgow Karuna Appeal: BAM 2015

Hello! Sarah here writing on behalf of the Glasgow 2015 Women's Karuna Appeal.

For BAM 2015 I have joined a team of 4 courageous women, led by the wonderful Sangamani, who are knocking on doors in Glasgow to raise funds for the Karuna Trust. For me, door knocking to support people in India who desperately need our help encapsulates Buddhist Action, especially the themes of caring for others and money awareness.

In terms of caring for others, the work which will bring funds to the Karuna Trust, has an large element of compassion and empathy for the communities in India. Every night I meet myself on the doors and inhabit my own (temporary!) Dukkha to help transform the lives of people in India, with the hope of bringing a more permanent relief to their suffering. The appeal is also very intense Dharma practice and caring for others within our community is key to bringing about success on the doors.

Having to ask people to support the charity immediately brings up the issue of money, my relationship with it and how I view its place in society. Seeing wealth and being met with a lack of interest in Karuna's work can be challenging and again needs to be met with empathy and compassion for each individuals conditions. 

As a community we have been mindful of the sustainability theme, signing up for a local organic veg box for the 6 weeks of the appeal and buying the majority of our whole grains, nuts, seeds, milk etc from a local food co-operative.

We are in the middle of week 2 of the appeal and there is still much for us all to learn from Sangamani and all the other generous Order members coming to support us - as well as all the people waiting for us behind the doors! I encourage you all to explore the work of Karuna and consider supporting them however you can for BAM.