Buddhist Action Month 2015
Buddhist Action Month 2015
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Cardiff Buddhist Centre gears up for BAM with 2 taster events

Part of the vision of the Cardiff Buddhist Centre is to be an active part of the local community. So on the weekend of 3rd May Sangha Gardeners set about beautifying the streets around the Buddhist Centre for the benefit of the local community. Neighbouring streets have had a much-needed major makeover, a part of which was to establish dedicated gardens at the base of the trees.  Cardiff City Council was in part inspired to do this as a result of the guerrilla gardening some of us at the Buddhist Centre have been doing for a number of years. 

On Saturday May 16th Phil a Cardiff GFR mitra opened his allotments up to the Sangha. Phil talked passionately about sustainability and growing our own produce as well as about the beneficial activity such inner city allotments have for local biodiversity and supporting local wildlife.