Buddhist Action Month 2016
Buddhist Action Month 2016
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'The Worldly Winds, the Buddha and Me'

Sangha night, Tuesday 28th June, 7:30-9:45

'The Worldly Winds, the Buddha, and Me'

As Buddhist Action Month 2016 comes to an end, the president of Cardiff Buddhist Centre, Vajragupta will be visiting for an evening of reflection, meditation and devotion for Sangha night on Tuesday 28th June.

Looking around right now, the worldly winds seem to be blowing at gale force. How can we possibly change the world for the better? This talk will look at how your Buddhist practice, ordinary and imperfect though it might seem, IS changing the world. It is doing so every day, even every moment. But it is doing it very, very quietly. So quietly, in fact, that even you may not notice it!

This talk will take a fresh look at the Buddha's teaching of the worldly winds. We will focus particularly on its altruistic dimension, and on highlighting the power and potency of our responses to the worldly winds

All are welcome to attend sangha evening as part Buddhist Action Month 2016 on the theme of ‘caring for others’.

More info:  http://www.cardiffbuddhistcentre.com